How you use your body affects your health. Pause for a minute and think about this. It’s easy to skip over the importance of the idea that your actions affect your health. It’s seems obvious. However, how often do you embrace the power this gives you and take actions that improve your state of being?
Now, we’ll go further and say that getting by isn’t good enough. Just surviving the day is a miserable way to live. It does not need to be that way. We can learn to prioritize our well being again while still doing the work that needs to be done.
Tai chi is a practice of upgrading the quality of our movement, our breath, and where we focus our minds. These are the three keys to controlling our health and well-being: movement, breath and the focus of our thoughts. Look at the ideal we are training toward in tai chi with these three in mind. That ideal is that our movement is supple and powerful at every point in our range of motion. The breath is very deep and full even when working hard. The mind is clear, undistracted and focused on the ideal outcome of whatever we are doing in this moment.